Ananda Nagar – Acupuncture in India
Ananda Nagar was an incredible experience.
Mostly populated by monks (or Dadas) who run an interesting village, the poorest one in all West Bengal.
Time has stopped there, no cars, no modernity, no tourists, no hotels, no supermarkets, no Bollywood. This was the only time so far I ever felt in India, the India that got lost due to fast development and greed for modernity.
We were incredibly welcomed there by the Dada who hosted us. Had 3 yummy vegetarian meals a day, a nice bedroom with a big balcony and the slow days and beautiful sunsets of this dry land.
We were shocked with the fact people sometimes break into random houses and steal whatever they can. It felt strange to us, that someone would rob the only ones who are helping them. But I think that’s what really poverty is. India is rapidly growing, the economy has never been this great, but people are still struggling and lacking the most basic needs like food.
The health care system there was amazing; with plenty of natural medicines kicking like homeopathy and acupuncture, but no one can afford it, except acupuncture. Let alone allopathic medicine, too expensive.
During the 5 days we spent there we were either greeted with smiles or totally ignored, which was fantastic! We were both so sick and tired of all the harassment on the previous months, this place was paradise. No one tried to steel nothing or rip us off somehow.
The monks were especially interested to know why these 2 lost westerners were doing there. We were enthusiastically greeted by the school master and the veterinary. Such cool characters! Seems like they really enjoy having visitors once in a while.
But my one week clinic observation was over, it was time to move on. Next step: Bodhgaya (the place Buddha found enlightenment).
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Study ayurvedic massage in India